The church must in this last hour build her strength and realize herself for the greatest move of God to come. This she can only do when she has established the correct mentality. Many in the church have not developed the appropriate attitude to defeat the enemy. This small work will hopefully give some insight in overcoming the wrong attitude and developing an attitude conducive to a spiritual life in Christ.
PRICE $7.00 (28pgs)
6 Steps to Overcoming Your Attitude
The church must in this last hour build her strength and realize herself for the greatest move of God to come. This she can only do when she has established the correct mentality. Many in the church have not developed the appropriate attitude to defeat the enemy. This small work will hopefully give some insight in overcoming the wrong attitude and developing an attitude conducive to a spiritual life in Christ.
PRICE $7.00 (28pgs)
6 Steps to Overcoming Your Attitude
Many of us who are born again do not truly understand the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. When we think of His death and resurrection many times, it is only with regards to a happy Easter holiday, but the story of His passion is much more. His story is one of perfect love and unselfish sacrifice. When we see in His word about His love for us, we can truly know with confidence that we are loved. There is no example of a greater love in existence, for He took our place that the penalty and awesome exacting price of sin may be satisfied. This is the story of THE REPLACEMENT FACTOR.
PRICE $8.00 (36pgs)
The Replacement Factor
The subject of death is a subject in which legends were made. Death is a great mystery. It is a mystery wherein every living being must come to grips with. Many in the world today fear death. It is a nemesis to them. The very mention of it brings great fear to many. Because death is misunderstood, the majority of mankind flees it, but what is death truly? How can we actually understand the importance of death and its state in all men? This book is the result of a sermon preached at the End Time Apostolic Christian Holiness Church and is based on the scriptures located in Matthew 16:25, and7:46-53. Hopefully after reading this material, those who are born again will no longer fear death, but understand its significance in the body of Christ.
PRICE $7.00 (28pgs)
6 Steps to Overcoming Your Attitude
The church must in this last hour build her strength and realize herself for the greatest move of God to come. This she can only do when she has established the correct mentality. Many in the church have not developed the appropriate attitude to defeat the enemy. This small work will hopefully give some insight in overcoming the wrong attitude and developing an attitude conducive to a spiritual life in Christ.
PRICE $7.00 (28pgs)
6 Steps to Overcoming Your Attitude
The church must in this last hour build her strength and realize herself for the greatest move of God to come. This she can only do when she has established the correct mentality. Many in the church have not developed the appropriate attitude to defeat the enemy. This small work will hopefully give some insight in overcoming the wrong attitude and developing an attitude conducive to a spiritual life in Christ.
PRICE $7.00 (28pgs)
6 Steps to Overcoming Your Attitude
The church must in this last hour build her strength and realize herself for the greatest move of God to come. This she can only do when she has established the correct mentality. Many in the church have not developed the appropriate attitude to defeat the enemy. This small work will hopefully give some insight in overcoming the wrong attitude and developing an attitude conducive to a spiritual life in Christ.
PRICE $7.00 (28pgs)
6 Steps to Overcoming Your Attitude
The church must in this last hour build her strength and realize herself for the greatest move of God to come. This she can only do when she has established the correct mentality. Many in the church have not developed the appropriate attitude to defeat the enemy. This small work will hopefully give some insight in overcoming the wrong attitude and developing an attitude conducive to a spiritual life in Christ.
PRICE $7.00 (28pgs)
6 Steps to Overcoming Your Attitude
The church must in this last hour build her strength and realize herself for the greatest move of God to come. This she can only do when she has established the correct mentality. Many in the church have not developed the appropriate attitude to defeat the enemy. This small work will hopefully give some insight in overcoming the wrong attitude and developing an attitude conducive to a spiritual life in Christ.